My LIfe My Adventure

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Eu Sou Capoeira

Mestre Bimba did many capoeira exhibitions throughout Brasil. Here are some of them :

- In the 1930s a government officer showed up in his academy and handed him a letter inviting Mestre Bimba to the governor's palace. Mestre Bimba thought he would be arrested because capoeira was still outlawed. But to his surprise Governor Juraci Magalhães wanted a capoeira demonstration for some guest.

- In 1949, his pupils participated in five fight with wrestlers in the city of São Paulo (Brasil's biggest city) an won three by K.O.'s.

- In 1953, he was congratulated by then President Getúlio Vargas, who was visiting Salvador.

- In 1955, Mestre Bimba presented capoeira with great succes in the Theater José de Alencar in the city of Fortaleza.

- In 1956, he was at the inauguration of Record TV in São Paulo. And in the same year he presented at the theaters ABI and the Maracanázinho in Rio de Janeiro.

- In 1968 he presented a show for more than three thousand people at the Cattle Fair of Teófilo Otôni in the state of Minas Gerais.

- In 1969 he went to the Second National Capoeira Meeting in Rio (he had sent Angelo Decânio to represent him in the first meeting), sponsored by the Air Force Sports Committee. He stayed only for a day because he tought that "it would amount to nothing".

Together we are strong

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