My LIfe My Adventure

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

History of Maculelé

There are many theories about controversial origin of maculelé. One story is that the dance was created by the slaves in the sugar cane field, who used the stalks of sugar cane and the facão, the machete used to cut the sugar cane, to play maculelé.

Some say maculelé was celebration of the harvest, others suggest it had religious significance, and still others say it was danced to practise self defence techniques to use against the slave masters. Another legend tells of a man who stayed home with the women and children while all the other men went hunting and fishing. When an enemy tribe showed up to attack the village, the man beat off the attackers with sticks and died saving the women and children.

Maculelé is danced in his honor. Some sources say the setting of this story is in Africa, others claim it happened among the indigenous Indian tribes in Brasil. Whatever its origin, maculelé declined after the abolition of slavery in 1888, but Mestre Popo revived th e dance form in the early to mid 1900s. Today, maculelé is practiced by many capoeira groups worldwide.

Progress not perfection !!!
Juntos somos fortes

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